TRC Urges Patience in Post-Cyclone Alfred Cleanup

Toowoomba Region Mayor Geoff McDonald has encouraged patience as the Region cleans up following severe weather during the past week.

The Toowoomba Region experienced heavy rainfall and strong winds as ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred moved inland. This caused some trees and large branches to fall, localised flooding and lengthy power outages.

Mayor McDonald has thanked crews from emergency services, the State Emergency Service (SES), Ergon Energy and members of the Local Disaster Management Group for working tirelessly the past week helping ensure public safety and for responding to numerous calls for assistance.

Toowoomba Regional Council staff are diligently working through service requests to clear fallen trees, debris and other tasks to help clean up our Region following the severe weather.

Tasks will be prioritised based on needs, which means some requests and routine maintenance such as mowing at parks and tree pruning may be delayed.

Mayor McDonald said Council crews were responding to recovery requests as soon as possible and asked for residents to remain patient as the tasks and regular maintenance were completed.

"I want to sincerely thank emergency services personnel, SES volunteers, Ergon Energy crews, Toowoomba Regional Council staff and members of our community for your efforts in dealing with the severe weather over the past week," Mayor McDonald said.

"Our Region has been lucky that we haven't experienced the same impacts as other regions across South-East Queensland and northern New South Wales, and I want to express that our thoughts are with those in areas hit hard as they recover.

"We didn't emerge unscathed though as we have experienced some localised flooding, trees and branches down and some lengthy power outages. As the worst of the inclement weather is behind us, our focus now moves to recovery and clean-up efforts.

"Council teams are working through clean-up tasks as quickly and safely as they can. This means some usual maintenance works may be delayed and may not occur at their usual frequency as we prioritise tasks.

"I can assure you that we're working as efficiently as possible and ask for your patience as we work through recovery efforts."

To log a request for service visit Council's web site here

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