Trial Bay Gaol Boat Ramp Closed for Upgrade

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) has started work this week upgrading Trial Bay Gaol campground as part of the Macleay Coast Destination Project.

The project requires the Lagger's Point boat ramp in Arakoon National Park to be closed for short periods over the next few months.

The boat ramp will remain open on weekends but will close some weekdays. The ramp will close for five consecutive days in February depending on weather, as well as for 2-hour blocks intermittently throughout the project.

Closing the boat ramp at the start of the project enables the team to install stormwater pipes to mitigate any potential issues during the construction phase - and will likely bring forward the completion date by about three weeks, to finish in August.

The Arakoon National Park upgrades are the first stage of the highly anticipated Macleay Coast Destination Project, which will give both day visitors and overnight campers improved access and parking. This is an important body of work to improve and increase access to national parks.

In line with the Macleay Coast Destination master plan which can be seen here, the works will complement the historic and cultural significance of visitor areas in the Arakoon and Hat Head national parks. The master plan has 3 phases and funding of $6.7 million.

Visitors able to check the NPWS Alerts page here for further updates by searching for Arakoon National Park.

NPWS thanks visitors - both locals and tourists - for their understanding during this time.

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