The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) in partnership with the Queensland Police Service (QPS) will be extending the trial of alternative escort arrangements for bridge girder movements that replaces the QPS Escorts with a Queensland accredited escorts where supported by an approved Traffic Management Plan.
The trial will be extended to 11:59pm on Wednesday 5 April 2023 to align with the commencement of the Easter restrictions as detailed in the Queensland Access Conditions Guide. Eligible vehicles can recommence movements from 12:01am Tuesday 3 January 2023, after the Christmas Curfew for oversize vehicles finishes.
For operators wishing to participate in the trial, a Traffic Management Plan will be required to be submitted at the time of lodging a permit application via the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR). All vehicles involved in the trial must operate under a permit issued by the NHVR and operators must comply with additional reporting requirements.
The Traffic Management Plan aims to identify and mitigate traffic hazards and risks associated with the proposed movement. This will assist TMR and QPS in assessing the specific route and traffic environment for suitability to participate in the trial and to ensure application of risk mitigation strategies on a case-by-case basis providing a more tailored approach to escorting requirements.
Effectiveness of the alternative escort arrangements will be evaluated at the conclusion of the trial. However, at any time during the trial, should it be determined the risk of continuing the trial becomes unacceptable, the trial will cease immediately.