Trio Charged Amid Ongoing Strike Force Probe

Three people have been charged as a high-visibility police operation focused on preventing and disrupting crime in the state's north continues.

Strike Force Imperium formed on Monday 3 February 2025, and is a proactive policing strategy involving police resources from Tweed/Byron PD, Richmond PD, Coffs/Clarence PD and Specialist Commands, targeting serious property-related crime.

As a result of the operation, strike force detectives have so far made three arrests, with investigations ongoing into several other offences and inquiries continuing to locate outstanding offenders.

Incidents of note include:

  • About 12.30pm on Tuesday 4 February 2025, police were patrolling Tweed Heads South when they attempted to stop a vehicle reported stolen from Queensland. When the driver allegedly failed to stop as directed, a pursuit was initiated; however, was terminated a short time later when it entered Queensland. Following extensive inquiries police attended a home on William Street, Tweed Heads South, about 8am on Wednesday 5 February 2025. A 25-year-old man was located and arrested in the garage of the property. A search of the man allegedly revealed stolen credit cards, a woman's bag and sunglasses. He was taken to Tweed Heads Police Station where he was charged with two counts of goods in personal custody suspected being stolen, receive etc property stolen outside NSW, larceny, police pursuit - not stop - drive dangerously, and drive while licence cancelled. He was refused bail to appear before Tweed Heads Local Court on Wednesday 5 February 2025, where he was formally refused bail to appear before the same court on Monday 24 March 2025.
  • About 1.30am on Wednesday 5 February 2025, police were called to a home on Wollongbar Drive, Wollongbar, following reports of an aggravated break and enter. At the scene, police were told that four persons entered the property before stealing a bag and keys. Following inquiries, officers executed a search warrant at a home in Casino about 9am on Friday 7 February 2025. A 15-year-old boy was arrested and taken to Lismore Police Station where he was charged with aggravated break and enter and commit serious indictable offence-armed, and break and enter house etc steal. In relation to other matters, he was also charged with drive conveyance taken without consent of owner, be carried in conveyance taken without consent of owner, never licensed person drive vehicle on road, possess prohibited drug, and shoplifting. He was refused bail to appear before a children's court on Saturday 8 February 2025, where he was granted conditional bail to appear before a children's court on Friday 28 February 2025.
  • Between 1am and 3.30am on Saturday 25 January 2025, a unit on Barker Street, Casino, was allegedly broken into and a Honda hatchback was taken from the home. About 4.10am on Saturday 25 January 2025, police attempted to stop the hatchback in Casino. When the driver allegedly failed to stop as directed, a pursuit was initiated and continued to West Street where the hatchback crashed into a motorhome. The driver – a 16-year-old boy – was taken to Lismore Base Hospital, while the passenger – a 13-year-old boy – was airlifted to Gold Coast University Hospital where he remains in a serious condition. The driver was charged with five offences and remains before the courts. About 10am on Friday 7 February 2025, following further inquiries into the alleged break and enter, police arrested the 16-year-old boy at a home in Casino. He was taken to Lismore Police Station where he was charged with aggravated break and enter and commit serious indictable offence-people there, aggravated break and enter with intent, take and drive conveyance without consent of owner, be carried in conveyance taken without consent of owner, and never licensed person drive vehicle on road. He was refused bail to appear before a children's court on Friday 7 February 2025, where he was formally refused bail to appear before a children's court on Tuesday 25 February 2025.

Three search warrants were also executed in relation to ongoing police investigations.

Investigations under Strike Force Imperium continue.

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