Troops Deploy for Cyclone Relief Efforts

Department of Defence

Soldiers from 6 Battalion Royal Australian Regiment and 11 Brigade deployed across south-east Queensland with high-clearance vehicles to support the response to Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred.

As part of Joint Task Group 629.3, they worked alongside Queensland Police, the Queensland Rural Fire Service and Energex, supporting communities from the Scenic Rim to Hervey Bay, as well as in northern NSW.

Sappers Haydon Krauksts and Laurance Millard, who were up early cutting away debris and clearing roads, had the opportunity to discuss the task with the Commander JTG 629.3 and 11 Brigade, Brigadier Richard Peace.

Brigadier Peace said Defence was well practised in preparing for significant natural events.

"Our soldiers are making a difference to the south-east Queensland community, working closing with the National Emergency Management Agency and emergency authorities," Brigadier Peace said.

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