The TSU dormitory located on Arkady Ivanova Street, 20a, is now in the stage of finishing work. According to the plan, this new residence for students will be commissioned in December 2019, and the first occupancy is planned for the next academic year.
The dormitory consists of two buildings, 12 and 15 floors respectively, connected by a heated passage. Students will live in 194 sections with one, two, four, six, and nine places, including 24 rooms provided for students with disabilities. The dormitory will have specially equipped gyms, 80-seat training rooms, a multifunctional hall for public events, and a cafe.
- Now the dormitory is undergoing interior finishing and facade decoration, and about in a month and a half the landscaping around the buildings will be completed. The planned deadline is December 2019, says Vladimir Andrienko, Vice-Rector for Administrative Work and Construction.
The dormitory on the Arkady Ivanova Street is the University's ninth dormitory, located next to the number 6 educational building and the TSU stadium. The work plan also envisages the improvement of the adjacent area - in particular, access to the Tom River will be arranged.