On May 25, the new world rankings list was published on the Round University Ranking (RUR) website. National Research Tomsk State University has consistently remained in 4th place in the Russia-only section and 151stplace worldwide (Golden League).
The rankings are comprised of 1214 universities from all over the world. Lomonosov Moscow State University leads the Russian rankings list (87th place); the top 5 also includes National Research Nuclear University MEPHI (112th), Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (125th), Tomsk State University (151st), and National University of Science and Technology MISIS (264th).
The United States takes a leading position by having the largest number of universities - 152 - which make up 12.5% of the overall list, followed by Russia with 122 universities (10%) and China with 93 (7.7%).
For reference:
Round University Ranking lists have been published annually since 2010. Universities are assessed on four areas: teaching (40%), research (40%), financial stability (10%), and international diversity (10%). Each area has five indicators with an equal number of weighting coefficients.