More than 400 tuart trees are to be planted in Fremantle's Booyeembara Park as part of the Main Roads WA High Street Upgrade project.
The state and federal governments have committed $118 million to upgrade High Street, from Carrington Street to Stirling Highway, to reduce traffic congestion and improve road safety.
As part of Main Roads' landscaping and revegetation strategy for the project almost 5000 plants will be planted at the eastern end of Boo Park, including more than 400 tuart trees.
Another 4000 new tuart trees will be purchased and planted in other key sites across Perth through a partnership with leading conservation group A Trillion Trees.
Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt said he was pleased Main Roads had included the tree planting program as an important part of the High Street project.
"While any loss of mature trees is regrettable, I'm satisfied that Main Roads has listened to the feedback of the local community and aimed to preserve as many mature trees as possible," Mayor Pettitt said.
"The planting of more than 400 tuart trees in Boo Park, plus thousands of complementary understorey plants, will not only beautify the park but also mean the High Street project will deliver a substantial net gain in the number of tuart trees in the local area.
"The additional 4000 tuarts to be planted through A Trillion Trees will ultimately mean that for every tuart tree removed as part of the High Street project more than 200 will be planted in its place."