Turkish fighter jets strike PKK targets in northern Iraq, southeast Turkey

Turkish fighter jets hit terrorist-declared PKK targets in southeastern Turkey and in northern Iraq on late Monday, Daily Sabah reported.

The Turkish Air Forces carried out airstrikes in the Qandil, Sinat and Haftanin regions of northern Iraq between 10:00 and 11:00 p.m. [19:00-20:00 GMT], according to a statement issued by the Turkish General Staff on Tuesday.

The airstrikes in northern Iraq destroyed five PKK targets, including shelters, hideouts, and ammunition dumps, said the statement.

Turkish jets also carried out separate air strikes in Turkey's southeastern province of Diyarbakir. They were conducted between 9:00 and 9:40 p.m. on Monday [18:00-18:40GMT], destroying 11 targets in the rural Lice district, including shelters, hideouts, and gun emplacements, the military added.

The PKK-listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the EU-resumed its 30-year armed campaign against the Turkish state in July 2015.

Since then, nearly 600 security personnel, including troops, police officers and village guards have been martyred and more than 5,000 PKK terrorists killed in operations across Turkey and northern Iraq.