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A new community-led project for climate action will be launched across the Tweed with the aim of developing innovative local climate action strategies.
The Climate Ready Tweed project will be run by Griffith University on behalf of Council.
The project aims to find out how the Tweed community wants to be supported to act on climate-related events, reduce its greenhouse gas emissions footprint and build capacity to be prepared for local climate risks and impacts.
Mayor of Tweed Shire Chris Cherry welcomed the project and encouraged Tweed residents to get involved.
"Gathering and supporting community ideas about how to respond to climate change helps us understand the appetite for action," Cr Cherry said.
"The information we get from community feedback in this project will guide Council in supporting community ideas and action for change. Where there's passion in our community, that's the best place for Council support, and that can also help us attract funding and assistance from elsewhere."
Griffith University's Dr Melissa Jackson, Research Fellow with the Griffith Climate Action Beacon, said climate emergency is at a critical point.
"With the 2020s hailed as the critical decade for climate action to keep global warming below a dangerous level of 1.5 degrees, many communities are looking for ways to ramp up their climate action at the local level – both in preparing for impacts and reducing their emissions," Dr Jackson said.
"Griffith University is committed to partnering with local councils and organisations to bring together climate science, community and government in effective local climate actions in Australia.
"This partnership with Tweed Shire Council is important as some of our researchers are local Tweed residents. After experiencing the floods first-hand, we wanted to interact with our community to support Council in co-creating innovative local climate action strategies."
The project starts with a community survey to understand their knowledge and experiences with climate impacts as well as the actions residents already do or want to take in the future.
"We will invite a cross-section of the community to participate in the survey, followed by a series of Climate Ready Tweed community conversations in early 2023, and co-design local community-led climate action and disaster preparedness strategies," Dr Jackson said.
The survey is open to all Tweed residents (over 18) until 30 January 2023. Residents who participate in the survey can enter a draw to win an eco-friendly gift basket of products worth more than $500, donated by local Tweed businesses, or 4 runner-up prizes of $100 Why Leave Town gift vouchers to spend locally.
Complete the survey online at yoursaytweed.com.au/climate-ready-tweed-project-have-your-say.
The project has been made possible by grant funding from the Australian Government with seed funding through Griffith University.