Tweed Shire Council Boosts Waterway Safety

Tweed Shire Council

Mayor of Tweed Shire Chris Cherry today presented a $17,000 cheque to Marine Rescue NSW Point Danger as part of Council's ongoing support of this important service.

Councillor Cherry said that recent events like Tropical Cyclone Alfred illustrated the need for organisations like these.

"As the number of extreme weather events increases in our region, services like those provided by Marine Rescue NSW Point Danger become even more important for keeping our community safe.

"The sheer volume of incidents they respond to – around 3 a week – shows how reliant we are on them to protect the users of the Tweed's waterways. I'd particularly like to thank the staff and volunteers at Marine Rescue NSW Point Danger for taking on this vital role," Cr Cherry said.

Council has previously provided funding to Marine Rescue NSW Point Danger for a range of different projects. In 2024 the donation was put towards 2 jet skis which are currently being used in rescue operations. In 2025, the money will be used to support the running of the water rescue craft (including the jet skis) keeping them fuelled up and working efficiently.

Marine Rescue NSW Point Danger Unit Commander Aaron Ashley said that the unit was being affected by the increased costs of running the service which meant that this funding was even more gratefully received.

"I'd like to thank the Tweed Shire Council for their ongoing support – it seems like there has never been a more important time for our volunteer work to be recognised.

"We consider ourselves to be a highly capable unit and ongoing resources like this funding means that we can continue to respond to emergencies in our local Tweed waterways, and in conjunction with other emergency services such as SES at times of natural disasters," Unit Commander Ashley said.

Marine Rescue NSW Point Danger provides the local community with marine radio monitoring and life-saving maritime search and rescue services, working closely with other local agencies under NSW Police Force Marine Area Command mandated by the NSW State Rescue Policy.

The Point Danger unit is known as a MRNSW Search and Rescue Coordination Centre (SARCC) and operates marine radio monitoring services from Captain Cook and Memorial Lighthouse at Point Danger lookout. Alongside the Coordination Centre, they conduct vessel operations from the Tweed Marina and maintain an Operations and Regional Training Centre at Duranbah Beach.

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