Two Charged by Crime Squad for Port Stephens Gun Theft

Organised Crime Squad detectives have charged two men for alleged firearm theft in Port Stephens.

About 7pm on Monday 10 February 2025, officers attached to Port Stephens Hunter Police District attended an address on Salamander Way in Salamander Bay where four firearms had reportedly been stolen.

Local police commenced initial inquiries and the next day (Tuesday 11 February 2025), officers attached to Newcastle Police District attempted to stop a black Toyota Hilux in Hillsborough, before a pursuit was initiated.

A short time later, the vehicle was located abandoned at a school in Hillsborough.

During a search of the surrounding area, police located three of the four stolen firearms.

The matter was then referred to State Crime Command's Organised Crime Squad under Strike Force Blaine.

Following further inquiries, about 3.40am on Monday 3 March 2025, strike force detectives executed a boat inspection on a boat in Shoal Bay, where they arrested two men – both aged 23.

The men were taken to Raymond Terrace Police Station, where the men were charged with the break and enter in which the firearms were stolen, as well as the police pursuit.

Both men were refused bail and appeared in Raymond Terrace Local Court the same day.

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