Two Charged in Aggravated Broken Hill Break-In

Two men will face court today charged over an alleged aggravated break-in in the state's Far West this week.

Just after 4am yesterday (Wednesday 26 June 2024), two men – one allegedly armed with a knife – attended a home on Garnet Street, Broken Hill, to speak with a man known to them.

The occupant – a 41-year-old man – had answered the door when one of the men allegedly threatened him with a knife and entered the home before taking cigarettes, and car keys.

The pair then left in the man's Holden Commodore.

Officers attached to Barrier Police District were notified and commenced inquiries.

About 12.30pm yesterday, a 49-year-old old man attended Broken Hill Police Station and was arrested.

Following inquiries, about 9.10pm yesterday, police were patrolling William Street, Broken Hill, when they sighted the car.

Police followed the vehicle and located it abandoned on O'Neil Street and sighted the driver on foot.

Officers commenced a foot pursuit, and a 36-year-old man was arrested a short time later and taken to Broken Hill Police Station.

Both men were charged with aggravated break and enter dwelling in company steal.

The men were refused bail to appear at Dubbo Local Court via AVL today (Thursday 27 June 2024).

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