Two Melburnians Win $1.3 Million in TattsLotto on Monday

The Lott

Two Melburnians are entering March with $1.3 million richer after they each scored division one in the weekend's TattsLotto.

The victorious Victorians each held one of the four division one winning entries in TattsLotto draw 4341, drawn Saturday 27 February 2023, and scored $1,317,448.20.

A winning Doreen dad purchased his entry from Laurimar News & Lotto, Shop 8 Laurimar Town Centre, 95 Hazel Glen Drive, Doreen.

The other winning entry was purchased from Diamond Creek Newsagency, 62A Main Hurstbridge Road, Diamond Creek.

Doreen dad celebrates $1.3 million TattsLotto win right into the night

A Doreen dad had the perfect excuse to gather his family and friends for a celebratory party last night after discovering he scooped up a $1.3 million windfall in TattsLotto.

The north-east Melbourne resident realised his life had changed forever when he checked the winning numbers on Sunday morning as part of his weekend ritual.

"It's a bit crazy, isn't it?!" he laughed when we confirmed his windfall this morning.

"I looked up the winning numbers on Sunday morning like I usually do, and I was left shocked!

"I rang the children, and they came around last night to celebrate. It was a big night!"

With $1.3 million about to change his life forever, the winning family-man shared he would generously use the prize to look after his beloved children.

"The prize will go towards the children. They're our number one priority," he explained.

"It's perfect timing as well because we just booked a holiday!

"This will set us up for sure."

His winning entry was purchased at Laurimar News & Lotto, Shop 8, Laurimar Town Centre, 95 Hazel Glen Drive, Doreen.

Laurimar News & Lotto owner Qin Chen said her team are ecstatic to have sold a division one winning entry.

"It's so exciting! I told my team as soon as I found out that we had sold a division one winning entry in the weekend's TattsLotto draw," she said.

"We've started to decorate the shop and share the exciting news with all of our regular customers.

"Our community will be over the moon to hear that a local has taken home a million-dollar win from our outlet. It's our second major lottery win in the span of two years.

"Congratulations to the winning man and his family. We hope this prize will go a long way!"

Diamond Creek couple wakes up to $1.3 million TattsLotto surprise

A Diamond Creek couple woke up on Sunday morning thinking their division one win in TattsLotto was a dream, only to discover they're in fact $1.3 million richer.

Sharing their excitement with us this morning, the winning woman revealed she was still trying to comprehend her newfound fortune.

"Oh my god! I've been waiting for your phone call," she cheered.

"We didn't go to bed until 3am last night. We were too busy celebrating!

"I couldn't believe it when I saw the confetti flare up on my screen when I checked my TattsLotto ticket on Sunday morning.

"It was very early in the morning, and I thought I was dreaming! It's definitely a morning that I'll never forget!

"We decided to invite our immediate family around for a couple of drinks last night. It's a celebration worth remembering, that's for sure.

"Thank you so much."

When asked how they planned to enjoy their $1.3 million lottery loot, the Victorian mum shared she had a couple of plans in mind.

"We would love to invest the prize for the future," she said.

"I'll let my husband treat himself to a brand-new car, and maybe one for myself too.

"We will give our adult children some of the prize too.

"Despite winning the lottery, I think I'll keep working for five more years, otherwise it will get too boring!"

Their winning marked System 9 entry was purchased at Diamond Creek Newsagency, 62A Main Hurstbridge Road, Diamond Creek.

Diamond Creek Newsagency owner Bill Wu said his outlet is buzzing with excitement after discovering they sold a division one winning entry to a local family.

"It's wonderful news! It truly feels like we've won ourselves when we sell division one winning entries," he said.

"Our customers will be overjoyed to hear local winners have taken home a million-dollar prize..

"Congratulations to the local family and we wish them all the best with their future endeavours!"

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