Two More Teens Charged After Bendigo Serious Assault

Bendigo Crime Investigation Unit detectives have charged two more teens following an alleged serious assault at a Bendigo shopping centre this week.

The incident is alleged to have occurred at a complex on Mitchell Street on Monday, 3 March about 4pm.

A man was allegedly punched, kicked and dragged to the ground before members of the public intervened and were also assaulted in the process.

The victim, a 20-year-old Melton South man, received non-life-threatening injuries and has since been released from hospital.

A 17-year-old Bendigo boy was charged with affray, intentionally cause injury and recklessly cause injury on Tuesday.

He was remanded in custody to appear at a children's court at a later date.

Further enquires by detectives lead to the arrest of a 16-year-old boy from Long Gully and a 14-year-old boy from California Gully.

The have both been charged with affray, unlawful assault and other assault related offences and will appear at a children's court at a later date.

The investigation into the incident is ongoing.

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