When Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his full-scale invasion of Ukraine two years ago, he expected Ukrainian forces to fall quickly and the world to fail to come to Ukraine's aid.
But for 730 days, brave Ukrainians, on and off the battlefield, continue to deny Putin the win he expected. With the support of more than 50 countries, Ukraine has not only taken back half off the lands Russia seized in the early days of the full scale invasion; it has found a way to feed the world and begun rebuilding its economy. Military, economic, and humanitarian assistance are essential to help Ukraine continue this progress. That is why Congress must act now to pass the bipartisan national security supplemental.
Since the war broke out, USAID has marshaled critical aid to assist more than 17 million Ukrainians - touching the lives of nearly half the country's population. This support has helped displaced Ukrainians and those living on the front lines survive with dignity, and it has assisted Ukraine build long-term strength and self-reliance.
USAID has worked with private-sector partners to get Ukraine's farmers - who power the largest sector of Ukraine's economy and make the country the breadbasket of the world - the seeds and fertilizer, grain storage facilities, and safe export routes they need to grow and sell their food. We've supported tens of thousands of small- and medium-sized businesses to withstand Russia's bombardments. We've helped Ukraine make their energy infrastructure resilient to attacks, to keep the lights on and the heat running through the winter. We've helped the government develop its groundbreaking state-in-a-smartphone app Diia that provides over 100 government services and has turned Ukraine into a global leader in e-governance. And we've put in place unprecedented oversight and anti-corruption measures in partnership with the Ukrainian government, Deloitte, and the World Bank - measures essential to our support transparently and reliably reaching the Ukrainian people and to businesses having the confidence they need to invest as well.
This strategy is working. Today, Ukraine's economy has not only stopped the free fall it experienced in the early days of the war, but grew at more than 5 percent last year. Businesses are beginning to recover and international investment is returning, with $2.5 billion in foreign direct investment entering the country in the first half of 2023 alone. And even as Putin's attacks on the economy continue, Ukraine's total exports are projected to grow by 15 percent this year, and 30 percent next year.
Yet if we pull back this support now, this progress could end. And because every dollar in economic and development assistance from the U.S. has drawn in $2 more from other donors, billions of dollars of support from multilateral organizations and allies could dry up as well. A Ukrainian economic collapse would allow Putin to win the war without firing another shot - and embolden him to be even more aggressive in his attacks on democracies around the world.
Putin's strategy rests on our impatience. It's vital that we continue to support Ukraine as it continues its path toward self-sufficiency - and stands on behalf of all of us for freedom, the rule of law, and independence.