The ranking reflects strong performances in the bar exam and employment outcomes for the Class of 2022.

UConn School of Law rose 16 points to reach a rank of 55 in the latest U.S. News & World Report rankings, and the school's part-time Evening Division program advanced 9 points to No. 10 in the nation.
The overall rank in the magazine's 2024-25 Best Law Schools list reflects particular strength in bar passage and employment outcomes for UConn Law graduates.
Ninety-four percent of the Class of 2022 was employed 10 months after graduation, including 13 percent of the class employed in state and federal judicial clerkships.
The outcomes for the Class of 2023 are equally impressive. Among UConn Law graduates who took the Connecticut bar exam for the first time in July 2023, 84 percent passed, which was 17 points above the state average. These accomplishments are due to the hard work of outstanding students, staff, and faculty, aided by the support of remarkable alumni.
"Everyone at UConn Law is committed to excellence and works tirelessly to support the success of our students and law school," Dean Eboni S. Nelson says. "Although no ranking can truly reflect the results of their efforts or capture the many strengths of our campus community, we are pleased with the recognition."
Last year, the UConn School of Law was among many law schools to withdraw from active participation in the U.S. News & World Report ranking process. U.S. News has since revised its approach and made more data available to prospective students at no charge, which factored into UConn Law's decision to resume its participation this year.
In addition to U.S. News, in recent years The National Jurist's preLaw magazine has listed the UConn School of Law among the best value law schools in the nation. It has also recognized UConn Law as a top school in environmental law, tax law, intellectual property, alternative dispute resolution, child and family law, and human rights law.
UConn Law is flourishing academically, in research, in service to the community, and in the quality of students' experiences.
"We have much of which to be proud, thanks to generations of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other ambassadors who have used their UConn Law experience to enhance the lives of countless others around the world," Nelson says.