Biodiversity is declining worldwide faster than at any other time in human history. In the last 50 years, human pressures have increased, while animal populations, on average, have been reduced to more than half.
To help address the challenges facing nature today, the UK Prime Minister announced at the 2019 UN General Assembly a £220 million International Biodiversity Fund. This includes a new £100m Biodiverse Landscapes Fund to restore key landscapes and their ecosystems.
The joint Defra-DFID Biodiverse Landscapes Fund will deliver lasting protection and improvement of biodiversity in five global biodiversity hotspots, by aligning nature conservation and human development objectives at a landscape scale. Each landscape will be eligible for between £10-20m over 5 years. We intend to begin projects in two initial landscapes by April/May 2021, with the remaining to begin 6-9 months later, all with active engagement with host governments.
In each area, execute the program through conservation and development organizations with a history of delivering high-quality large-scale projects of this nature. We will also welcome the participation of consortia of organizations. We will organize an online information event for potential implementing partners interested on Monday, February 24, 2020.
Details about the informative event here: