UK Condemns Child Exploitation in UN Peacekeeping

UK Gov

UK Statement for the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Sale, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Children in Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Contexts. Delivered at the 58th HRC in Geneva.

Thank you Madame Vice-President,

The UK supports the Special Rapporteur's urgent call for decisive action to eradicate child sexual exploitation and abuse.

The Secretary-General's 2024 Report highlights a 25% rise in sexual violence against children in conflict. This is unacceptable - urgent action is required.

Special Rapporteur, we welcome your report's focus on impunity and stress. Where credible evidence of widespread sexual exploitation and abuse exists, entire contingents must be repatriated, and financial disincentive mechanisms should be used.

Individuals credibly implicated in sexual exploitation and abuse must not be reassigned to peacekeeping missions. We urge the Secretariat to work with Member States to strengthen pre-deployment vetting.

To combat the challenge of under-reporting, reporting mechanisms must be accessible, confidential and child-friendly. All allegations, especially involving children, must be handled seriously. Investigations by Troop and Police Contributing Countries must be prompt and transparent, with clear updates on outcomes to ensure perpetrators face justice.

Even in this financial climate, tackling sexual exploitation and abuse remains essential. We must find efficiencies and streamline approaches to deliver this work effectively.

Thank you.

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