UK Condemns Talibans Ban on Afghan Girls Education

UK Gov

Statement by Ambassador James Kariuki, UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, at the UN Security Council meeting on Afghanistan.

Let me begin by commending UNAMA for their invaluable work supporting the people of Afghanistan.

This is remains vital whilst Afghans - especially women and girls - continue to suffer under a series of oppressive restrictions.

At the time, members of the Taliban claimed that the March 2022 ban on secondary education for girls was temporary.

Almost three years on, girls in Afghanistan continue to be denied their right to education.

On the opening day of the Commission on the Status of Women, the United Kingdom joins others in unequivocally condemning this ban and all others which restrict Afghan women and girls' rights and fundamental freedoms.

We strongly urge their immediate reversal, and we support greater accountability efforts, including the referral of Afghanistan to the International Court of Justice for violations of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

President, the Taliban face a choice - if they want to be integrated into the international community then they must adhere to their international obligations including on human rights, political inclusion, and counter terrorism.

This is clearly laid out in the Special Coordinator's Independent Assessment and Security Council resolution 2721 (2023).

The UK, with other members of the international community, has engaged constructively with the UN-led process, including through the Doha meetings and working groups on counternarcotics and the private sector.

But continued engagement is not guaranteed without reciprocity and commitment from the Taliban in return.

We welcome the continued efforts of UNAMA and the UN's good offices towards this end and encourage further dialogue between all relevant Afghan political actors and stakeholders, in line with relevant Security Council resolutions and in support of the people of Afghanistan, especially its women and girls.

Thank you.

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