UK Consultancy Warns of 2025 Business Risks

UK Gov

In 2025, global risks to business will be driven by power vacuums and polarisation, conflict, and the double-edged sword of technological advancement.

UK based consultancy company Control Risks presented the RiskMap2025 in Guatemala City on 4 March. The event took place at the British Residence with attendance of the British Ambassador, Juliana Correa; government contacts, businesspeople and decision makers.

According to the RiskMap2025 events will be dominated by the change of administration in the US, ongoing conflicts such as the Ukraine war, increased trade barriers, more political violence and digital concentration of leading technologies, amongst other topics. Marina Pera, Control Risks analyst gave the presentation.

The British Embassy is committed to support our economic ties with Guatemala with tools such as the RiskMap2025, to encourage better informed decisions and drive prosperity.

To see the full RiskMap2025, please visit .

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