UK funds helped the platform #NoNosCallaran in the development of this tool. The document will provide guidance to journalists on how to file or face a complaint before the justice system.
It will also explain the different phases of the judicial process and how to prepare. In addition, it provides information on national and international bodies to which they can turn to, in the face of possible shortcomings within the justice system.
Journalists Evelyn Blanck and Daniel Villatoro explained the importance of the guide for journalists who do not always know how to navigate the justice system and whom are more often, facing complaints by Government's officials.
Judge Haroldo Vásquez, a member of the Guatemalan Association of Independent Judges (AGJI) explained about the situation of the justice system regarding freedom of expression and freedom of the press.
Finally, the guide was presented to journalists and communicators to familiarise them with the content and a copy was handed over. The guide is also available digitally for easy access, and a second launch and presentation will take place in Quetzaltenango.
The British Ambassador in Guatemala, Nick Whittingham said:
In Guatemala and around the world media freedom is facing several threats, fake news, misinformation and attacks to journalists. This is why it is important for the UK to support journalists and communicators.