UK Delivers Statement at UN Council on DPRK's UPR

UK Gov

UK Statement for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's Universal Periodic Review Outcomes Session Statement. Delivered at the 58th HRC in Geneva.

Thank you, Madame Vice President.

The UK welcomes the DPRK's continued engagement with the UPR process, including its report on the recommendations received. We hope that the DPRK will collaborate with the international community to take tangible steps towards the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

However we remain concerned by the lack of guarantees to ensure the implementation of the DPRK's human rights obligations, and regret that it did not accept any of the UK's recommendations, which were to:

  1. Ratify the UN Convention against Torture and reform the judicial system to ensure respect for the right to a fair trial and end sentences that constitute cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment;

  2. Grant access to the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the DPRK and accept technical cooperation from UN human rights mechanisms; and

  3. Improve regulations to prevent gender-based discrimination and violence, particularly towards women and girls, including in penal facilities and the military.

There are still unacceptable reports of ongoing, widespread, and systematic human rights violations in the DPRK. The UK remains open to discussing any recommendations further.

Thank you.

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