Iran's unabated nuclear escalation means that it is closer now than ever to being able to develop a nuclear weapon. This situation makes the region and the world far more dangerous and makes escalation by others more likely.
The UN Security Council, through this resolution and the JCPoA, has sought to give Iran the opportunity to demonstrate the peaceful nature of its nuclear programme. However, as the IAEA has repeatedly reported, Iran continues to escalate its programme beyond credible civilian justification, and far beyond JCPoA limits.
The IAEA Director General's reports that Iran's enriched uranium stockpile is more than 30 times JCPoA limits. Iran, as we speak, is installing yet more advanced centrifuges that would further increase its capacity to produce fissile material for a weapon.
Let us be clear about what is now at stake. In October next year, this resolution is due to expire and with it the right to reimpose UN sanctions on Iran. Given Iran's dangerous advances which have brought it to the brink of being able to develop a weapon, this situation should be of grave concern for this Council.
President, the E3 remain committed to a diplomatic solution. We have maintained our compliance with the JCPoA; Iran must demonstrate the same commitment. We will continue to keep all diplomatic options on the table, including triggering UN snapback before October 2025 if necessary.