UK: Empowered Women Transform Societies, UN Meeting

UK Gov

Statement by Lord Collins of Highbury, Minister for Africa and the UN, at the UN Commission on the Status of Women General Discussion.

Three decades after the world came together in Beijing, we agreed a CSW Political Declaration to advance the rights of all women and girls and reaffirm the need to respect, promote and protect their fundamental freedoms.

We should celebrate the lives saved and changed, and the progress made.

Today, one in five young women were married as children versus nearly one in four a decade ago. More girls are and remain in school than ever before. Through multilateral action, numbers of female genital mutilation are falling rapidly.

Together, we can deliver this kind of change. And so, we must also make this a year for advancing gender equality.

Globally, progress on the rights of all women and girls and other marginalised groups is slowing and reversing.

Women and girls are facing renewed assault.

An assault on the essential rights that give them their autonomy over their lives and their bodies, keeping them from accessing comprehensive sexual health services and realising their sexual and reproductive rights, including safe abortion.

An assault on the right to participate fully, equally, safely and meaningfully in all spheres of life.

And an assault on our ability to work together - including multilaterally, where these rights must not be traded away.

Rapidly emerging technologies are multiplying threats - from online violence to algorithmic bias.

These threats affect men and boys too, who are being isolated by harmful narratives about gender roles and masculinity.

Men and boys must play an equal part in this journey - as allies, champions and agents of change.

When women and girls are empowered in all their diversity, their leadership transforms societies.

It makes us more effective in everything from tackling the climate and nature crisis, to building peace and pursuing prosperity.

Chair, advancing gender equality and empowering all women and girls is a priority for the United Kingdom.

We are breaking down the barriers for women and girls from the schoolroom to the boardroom.

And we are working with others through modern, respectful partnerships around the world - including with grassroots women-led groups.

Civil society is and will remain at the heart of CSW.

As a lifelong trade unionist, I know just how important civil society is to make the change we all so desire.

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