UK assistance continues advancing forests protection and sustainable livelihoods of communities in Peten, as the British Ambassador endorses a conservation agreement during her visit.
Ambassador Juliana Correa visited Petén on 26-28 March to learn about the progress of projects supported by DEFRA's Biodiverse Landscapes Fund (BLF) . She met with local authorities, implementing partners and communities.
On 26 March Ambassador Correa had discussions with representatives of the National Council of Protected Areas (CONAP) about the achievements and challenges in natural resource management in the region. She also met with implementing partners of the Guatemalan Mayan Forest sub-landscape, who presented progress in ecosystem restoration, fire prevention, and sustainable forest management.
Representatives of the communities of Cruce a La Colorada, La Pasadita, Paso Caballos, San Miguel, and San Miguel Poptún, explained to the Ambassador how their Climate-Smart Community Development Plans were helping them to better adapt to the effects of climate change and improve their environmental resilience.
During a visit to Uaxactun on 27 March, the Ambassador participated as witness in the signing of a Conservation Agreement between the BLF's leading implementing organization Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), CONAP, and other partners, reaffirming the United Kingdom's commitment to protecting forests and strengthening community governance models. As part of the focus on sustainability, she visited a forest nursery and a community sawmill, where she learned about the impact of responsible forest management and its contribution to the local economy.
On 28 March, the Ambassador toured the Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Association (ARCAS) rescue centre, an organization that has received support from the United Kingdom for the conservation of endangered species and to promote environmental education . Finally, he met with FORESCOM, an organization that promotes the sustainable use of timber and non-timber products, contributing to the economic development of communities and the protection of forests.
DEFRA's Biodiverse Landscapes Fund seeks to strengthen the resilience of ecosystems and communities in regions of high ecological value, such as the Mayan Rainforest. The UK is investing in precious areas covering Guatemala and Belize, which compose the largest tropical forest in Mesoamerica and is a refuge for endangered species. The BLF's activities in Peten are carried out by WCS, and other implementing partners.