UK GIAA Unveils First 2025-2028 Strategy

UK Gov

The strategy was accompanied by a message from our chief executive, Harriet Aldridge in her role as Head of the Government Internal Audit Function.

Harriet said,

"As Head of the Government Internal Audit Function, it is my great pleasure to share our first ever functional strategy with you. Our reach as a function extends across the full breadth of the government landscape.

"Our shared goals as influential professionals committed to protecting public money bring us together, and I am confident that this strategy will strengthen those bonds further by providing a clear steer for navigating the next three years, maximising our collective power together.

"Using the functional taxonomy as a foundation, we have built our strategy to encompass six areas that are critical to our success: capability, continuous improvement, setting and assuring standards, service delivery, expert advice, and cross-government strategies. It's an ambitious time ahead and we will start by focussing on developing the capability of internal audit in government. This will support and enable all the other elements by raising our standards and driving improvement.

"This is our opportunity to promote and enhance the quality of internal audit work in central government departments, arm's length bodies and right across the wider UK government landscape. We are in a privileged position with unrivalled access to powerful insight that really can make a difference, adding value and enabling the effective and efficient delivery of high performing public services for the public.

"I wish to thank members of our functional leadership group and wider community for their valuable input and support in drafting our strategy. I also know that I can rely on their continued leadership and engagement as we now take on the challenge of bringing our strategy to life and maximise the full potential and impact of our function."

A government function is a grouping aligned across government to manage work. There are government functions for human resources, commercial services, or finance. The purpose of the government's internal audit function is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of governance, risk management and control in government organisations. You can read about all the UK government functions on Gov.UK .

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