UK Gov boosts telecoms innovation and R&D

The Prime Minister has set out his 5 priorities for this government - to build a better, more secure, more prosperous future for the UK, including growing the economy, and creating better-paid jobs and opportunity right across the UK. We can only deliver on that priority with world-class digital infrastructure.

Digital infrastructure is crucial to unlocking opportunities for growth and prosperity and delivering my department's mission to put the UK at the forefront of global scientific and technological advancement. Future telecoms is 1 of the 5 critical technologies identified in our recently published Science and Technology Framework.

That is why the government has announced a package of measures to drive the deployment and adoption of fixed and wireless networks and to invest in the next generation of connectivity.

A new Wireless Infrastructure Strategy

The Wireless Infrastructure Strategy sets out a policy framework to affirm our unwavering commitment to extending 4G coverage to 95% of the population, deliver standalone 5G to all populated areas in the UK by 2030, and invest £40 million to drive take up of innovative 5G-enabled services for businesses and the public sector. It also sets out a comprehensive 6G strategy to harness and develop the UK's strengths in future telecoms, and to ensure that the UK can influence and benefit from the development of 6G in a way that meets the UK's future connectivity needs.

Key measures in the strategy

1. A new ambition of nationwide coverage of standalone 5G to all populated areas by 2030 - so everyone can benefit from new technology enabled by advanced wireless technology

2. A clear strategic framework to help the private sector invest in 5G networks by supporting strong competition and investment, driving down deployment costs and stimulating demand, including through

  • continuing to remove practical barriers to the deployment of 5G infrastructure
  • confirming our openness to market consolidation, noting that merger decisions are taken on their merits by the Competition and Markets Authority
  • ensuring that net neutrality rules are fit for purpose
  • asking Ofcom to review and set out a clear evidenced-based and forward-looking rationale for its approach to setting spectrum fees by the end of 2023
  • working with Ofcom and industry to refarm spectrum where it is not being used efficiently
  • maximising the UK's influence at international spectrum negotiations, with alignment of international and domestic spectrum frameworks where possible

3. Fixing coverage reporting, including on trains and in rural areas, shining a light on where coverage needs to be improved

4. £40 million new funding to establish eight to 10 5G Innovation Regions across the UK. This will enable regions and local authorities to unlock opportunities using advanced wireless connectivity, tailored to each area's specific needs and strengths, encourage 5G take-up in the public sector and in industry and strengthen the case for investment at the local level, driving productivity and growth.

5. Establishing a national taskforce to encourage take-up and investment at the local level

6. As part of wider plans to boost public sector adoption of 5G and other advanced wireless connectivity, ensuring new hospitals have access to 5G or similar advanced wireless connectivity, allowing major improvements in healthcare delivery.

7. Setting out a clear strategy for influencing the development of 6G, so the UK strengthens and maintains its role as a science superpower

8. Launching an £8 million fund to provide capital grants to further promote new satellite connectivity to the most remote 35,000 premises.

Investing up to £100 million in a new future telecoms mission

The 6G Strategy, set out in the Wireless Infrastructure Strategy, is supported by a new national mission to ensure that the UK is at the forefront of future telecoms technologies.

The 6G strategy sets out how we will work to shape the next generation of wireless technology. We want to ensure that 6G is developed to meet the needs of people and businesses right across the UK and support our international competitiveness throughout the economy.

The government has established future telecoms as one of its five critical priority technologies in our goal to be a science superpower by 2030.

Alongside the 6G Strategy we have therefore launched a new, long-term national mission, with initial funding of up to £100 million, to ensure the UK is at the leading-edge of future telecoms and 6G technologies.

These next generation networks will herald a new, richer generation of internet based services, power rapidly growing global digital economies and support net zero - from complex AI and quantum-enabled networks of satellites and drones, right down to fibre-optic networks beneath our feet.

A key element of this mission will be a series of Future Telecoms Research Hubs, where early stage research will be coordinated through UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) via the Technology Missions Fund (TMF).

These Hubs will build on the springboard provided by EPSRC's £6 million investment for three federated and connected platforms in the communications technologies space. Supported by the UK Telecoms Innovation Network (UKTIN), these platforms will engage with the telecoms sector, catapults and internationally around three broad themes: a network of networks; wireless and wired systems and spectrum; and, cloud and distributed computing.

The platforms will draw together the existing portfolio of EPSRC investments in telecoms-related areas into a coordinated approach.

These Hubs will help to develop an Intellectual Property (IP) portfolio to strengthen UK companies' global competitiveness, as well as provide the foundation for spinout companies, and attract further industry investment in the UK's world leading research base.

Support for early-stage research will be complimented by funding for application focussed 'challenges' - delivered via Innovate UK - supporting companies to accelerate innovative solutions to market and encourage disruptive collaboration across the UK's diverse Future Telecoms landscape. This aims to cement early UK market leadership, additionally attracting follow-on investment for companies to scale-up and grow in the UK.

We will work closely with our international allies to deliver this mission - ensuring we are influential in shaping the global landscape, embedding our values into future telecoms technology, and protecting our security interests.

Funding opportunities for industry, researchers and others through this investment are available throughout 2023 and into next year as well. All funding will be awarded and managed by UKRI on behalf of UK government. Further information will be released shortly.

In addition, to inform our next steps beyond this Spending Review Period, we are commissioning a feasibility study to explore the potential for new infrastructure provision to improve competitiveness and drive growth in the UK telecoms sector and foster UK capability.

£8 million capital grants for satellite connectivity

We continue to make rapid progress through commercial and subsidised rollouts to achieve our goal of future proof and resilient connectivity to over 99% of the UK by 2030. Nevertheless there will be some areas - perhaps around 100,000 premises - where we expect that gigabit will not be possible.

The government has launched an £8 million fund to provide capital grants to further promote new satellite connectivity to the most remote 35,000 premises and to help ensure that these premises get improved broadband where required.

This work follows the launch of the government's Alpha Trial programme in December 2022, to test the capability and viability of low earth orbit satellites to deliver high-speed connectivity to homes and businesses in very hard to reach areas.

The government has now launched a total of 7 sites across the UK using a mixture of both OneWeb and Starlink equipment. These sites include some of the most remote areas of the UK including Snowdonia National Park, North York Moors, Papa Stour and Lundy Island.

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