UK Government Unveils Rural Communities Funding

UK Gov

Rural communities are set to benefit from up to £38 million in funding.

Up to £33 million will be directed to the Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF), which is used to improve local infrastructure and essential services that benefit rural communities and help businesses in rural areas to expand, creating jobs and kickstarting the rural economy.

Examples of the types of projects that will be eligible for funding from the REPF include:

  • Creation of rural business hubs providing shared workspace and networking opportunities for rural businesses.

  • Development of new products, facilities or building conversions to help rural businesses diversify outside of agriculture.

  • Community gardens and greenspaces.

  • The creation of new footpaths and development of local visitor trails.

  • Kitchens in community hubs and improvements to premises used by local volunteering groups, such as youth charities or carers groups.

In addition, Defra has also announced up to a further £5 million in funding to go towards the continuation of important services for rural communities. Part of this funding will go towards The Rural Community Assets Fund, which provides capital funding for the refurbishment and development of community-owned assets, such as village halls or community centres.

This funding will also support Rural Housing Enablers, who help to bring forward sites to provide affordable housing opportunities in rural areas with people who need them. This comes alongside a grant for Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) to provide advice and support to rural community and voluntary groups that offer social inclusion activities, affordable warmth advice, and community transport.

As part of the Plan for Change, the Government is working to promote economic growth across the country, including in rural areas. This funding will help to support local economies and sustain communities across the countryside

REPF allocations to individual local authorities will be made in line with the existing allocations methodology, with final confirmed allocations to be published in due course.

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