UK Pledges $40M Aid for Somalia Health & Crisis Relief

UK Gov

The UK announces new funding to support Somalia's most vulnerable communities, including building their resilience to climate shocks, taking the total for the past year to over $106m.

The British Embassy Mogadishu today announced over $40 million in new humanitarian and health aid to support Somalia's most vulnerable communities. This funding will address immediate and urgent need, including impacts from the recent below average rainy season, as well as supporting long-term resilience against conflict, drought, and other climate-related crises.

This new injection of funding will deliver life-saving assistance, including emergency food, clean water, and healthcare, while also supporting displaced populations with shelter and essential services. A portion of the funding will reinforce resilience-building initiatives, such as early warning systems, disaster preparedness, and livelihood support for communities most at risk from climate and conflict across the country

Speaking about the funding increase, British Ambassador Mike Nithavrianakis said:

This funding demonstrates the UK's steadfast commitment to Somalia and her people. By collaborating with trusted partners, we are ensuring that essential services reach those who need them most, while also laying the groundwork for a more resilient and sustainable future. We go far, when we go together.

This funding demonstrates the UK's ongoing partnership with Somalia and her people, ensuring that vital humanitarian aid reaches those who need it most while laying the foundation for a secure and stable country for all Somalis.

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