UK PM Holds Call with President of United Arab Emirates

The Prime Minister spoke to His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed al-Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, this morning.

The leaders reiterated their personal commitment to growing the strong defence and trade partnership between our countries, noting that the pledge from the UAE to invest £10 billion in strategic industries in the UK is being delivered well ahead of schedule.

They welcomed opportunities to further develop economic and technological cooperation between the UK and UAE, including in green industries and nuclear power. The leaders looked forward to working together on this agenda and driving innovation and investment to address climate change ahead of the COP28 Summit in the UAE later this year.

They also discussed international security issues, including Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine and Iran's concerning and destabilising activity. The Prime Minister and Sheikh Bin Zayed highlighted the vital importance of our defence and security relationship, including military cooperation and intelligence sharing.

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