UK PM, Saudi Crown Prince Discuss Ties on March 19

UK Gov

The Prime Minister spoke to the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, this evening.

The Prime Minister spoke to the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, this evening.

The Prime Minister began by congratulating the Crown Prince for his pivotal role in the US-led ceasefire talks in Jeddah last week. Both leaders agreed that securing a just a lasting peace is in everyone's interest, and they both looked forward to seeing progress as talks resume on Sunday.

Turning to the devastating scenes in Gaza, the Prime Minister underscored that he is deeply concerned by the return to fighting and urged for Israeli restraint.

The Prime Minister underlined the need for all parties to urgently come back to the table, so that a ceasefire could be reinstated to see all hostages released and an increase of aid into Gaza. Securing a two-state solution that will guarantee security and stability for Israel, alongside a sovereign and viable Palestine state was the only way forward, he added.

The leaders looked forward to speaking soon.

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