UK PM Talks With Baltic Leaders: 2 March 2025

UK Gov

The Prime Minister spoke to President Alar Karis of Estonia, Prime Minister Evika Siliņa of Latvia and President Gitanas Nausėda of Lithuania this morning.

The Prime Minister spoke to President Alar Karis of Estonia, Prime Minister Evika Siliņa of Latvia and President Gitanas Nausėda of Lithuania this morning.

The Prime Minister reiterated that Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are key partners of the UK, including through the Joint Expeditionary Force, and welcomed their leading contributions in support of Ukraine since Russia's illegal invasion began.

The Prime Minister updated them on his discussions with the leaders of Ukraine, France and the United States in recent days - and underlined his focus on securing a lasting peace in Ukraine that ensures their future sovereignty, backed up by strong security guarantees.

They all agreed that Europe must unite and drive forward urgent action that will secure the best outcome, which will be vital for Europe's future security.

The Prime Minister updated on his plans to convene leaders in London later today for further discussions and they agreed to stay in close contact in the coming weeks.

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