UK PM Talks With Dutch Leader Dick Schoof: March 23

UK Gov

The Prime Minister spoke to Prime Minister Dick Schoof of the Netherlands this afternoon.

The Prime Minister spoke to Prime Minister Dick Schoof of the Netherlands this afternoon.

The leaders discussed their respective engagements over the past week in support of Ukraine.

The Prime Minister reflected on his attendance at the UK Permanent Joint Headquarters on Thursday, noting the impressive military co-ordination taking place and looking ahead to further planning meetings this week.

Both also agreed that continued political momentum and action, driven by the members of the Coalition of the Willing, is vital to put Ukraine in the strongest possible position for a secure and lasting peace.

Moving on to discuss wider European defence and security, the leaders agreed that all countries must step up to meet the mounting threats we face.

They added that much closer co-operation on our defensive capabilities will be vitally important in the coming decades in order to protect Europe and secure its future.

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