UK PM Talks With Zelenskyy: March 4, 2025

UK Gov

The Prime Minister spoke to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine this afternoon.

The Prime Minister spoke to the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, this afternoon.

The Prime Minister updated on his discussion with President Trump last night. It was vital that all parties worked towards a lasting and secure peace for Ukraine as soon as possible, the Prime Minister added.

Turning to President Zelenskyy's most recent calls for further diplomatic efforts to achieve the swiftest possible end to the war, the Prime Minister welcomed President Zelenskyy's steadfast commitment to securing peace.

Underscoring that any peace for Ukraine needed to be lasting and secure, the Prime Minister said no one wanted peace more than Ukraine.

The leaders agreed to stay in close touch in the coming days.

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