UK PM, Taoiseach Harris to Meet on 6 Dec 2024

UK Gov

The Prime Minister met with Taoiseach Simon Harris at the British-Irish Summit in Edinburgh this morning.

The Prime Minister met with Taoiseach Simon Harris at the British-Irish Summit in Edinburgh this morning.

The pair discussed the history of the Council, and its important origins in the historic Good Friday Agreement. They remarked on the valuable cooperation between the UK government, Irish government, devolved governments and crown dependencies - twenty-five years since its first meeting in December 1999.

The Prime Minister highlighted the significance of the partnership and looked forward to future opportunities, including the UK-Ireland summit in March next year.

They also discussed legacy issues, including work to make progress to support communities and victims in Northern Ireland.

Turning to global issues, both the Prime Minister and Taoiseach reiterated their steadfast support for Ukraine.

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