UK PM to Meet Eli Sharabi on 7 March 2025

UK Gov

The Prime Minister hosted Eli Sharabi in Downing Street this morning.

The Prime Minister hosted Eli Sharabi in Downing Street this morning.

The Prime Minister began by saying how pleased he was to see Eli, and paid tribute to his phenomenal courage and bravery. He expressed his heartfelt condolences to Eli on the loss of his wife, Lianne, daughters Noiya and Yahel, and brother Yossi.

Hearing firsthand about his 16-month ordeal, the Prime Minister said he could not begin to imagine what Eli had been through.

It was a brutal reminder of what the remaining hostages were enduring, the Prime Minister said.

The UK would redouble its intensive work, at all levels, to secure the release of the remaining 59 hostages, the Prime Minister added.

All efforts needed to focus on full implementation of the remaining phases of the ceasefire and reuniting the remaining hostages with their loved ones, the Prime Minister said.

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