UK Responds to Bosnia OSCE Mission Report, Mar 2025

UK Gov

Ambassador Holland welcomes the work of the OSCE Mission over the last 12 months, and condemns recent attempts by Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik to undermine regional stability.

Firstly, I would like to welcome back Ambassador Aggeler to the Permanent Council. Thanks once again to you and your team for your work over the past 12 months, and for this comprehensive report. The United Kingdom highly appreciates the work and added value of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mr Chair, the United Kingdom strongly supports a stable, prosperous and inclusive Bosnia and Herzegovina, making progress on its Euro-Atlantic path. We therefore condemn Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik's illegal and dangerous recent attacks on the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dodik and the Republika Srpska National Assembly's attempts to break up the state - including through a proposal for a new secessionist constitution - will only harm the citizens he claims to protect. As a signatory to the Dayton Peace Agreement, the UK rejects any such attempts to undermine regional stability and prosperity.

In this difficult context, we welcome the OSCE Mission's continuous efforts and engagement on reconciliation, peace- and trust-building. We particularly support the Mission's work on strengthening inter-ethnic relations, and in connecting neighbouring communities across political and administrative divides. A more inclusive and cohesive society is essential to achieving a positive future for the whole of BiH. We highly value the insight and information provided by the nine Field Offices across the country towards this.

The UK welcomes that local elections held in Bosnia and Herzegovina in October proceeded smoothly and were found by ODIHR and other partners to be competitive and managed efficiently. However, we note concerns over the perceived lack of genuine public engagement. We encourage authorities in BiH to fully align BiH's Election Law with international standards, following ODIHR recommendations, and to ensure that funding for the Central Election Committee's work is agreed in good time for the 2026 general elections. Changes to the Election Law will rebuild voters' trust in the democratic process and ensure that the results reflect their will. The UK is pleased to have supported work through the OSCE Mission to improve the integrity of electoral processes.

The UK also fully supports the work of the Mission towards safeguarding fundamental freedoms and shares the Mission's concerns at the shrinking space for civil society and media observed over the last 12 months. We encourage BiH to focus on its reform agenda and positive legislative steps required as part of the EU accession pathway.

Mr Chair, this remains a critical and dangerous time for European security. It is vital that the international community takes a collective approach to supporting the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Further economic, social and political progress must build on the many years of reforms.

The UK joins international partners in urging all actors to fully adhere to the Dayton Peace Agreement and respect the state institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We reaffirm our unequivocal commitment to the territorial integrity of BiH and support for a single, sovereign state comprising two entities, in which all its peoples and citizens are equal. As we approach the 30th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide and of the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement, the UK is committed to supporting BiH in its efforts to build a secure, stable, inclusive society, and heal the fractures caused by conflict.

Ambassador Aggeler - dear Brian - on a personal level, I also wanted to thank you for your leadership of the Mission over the last three years, and wish you all the best with your future endeavours.

Thank you, Mr Chair.

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