UK Speaks at UN Human Rights Council on Belarus

UK Gov

UK Statement for the Interactive Dialogue with the Group of Experts on Belarus. Delivered by the UK's Human Rights Ambassador, Eleanor Sanders.

Thank you, Experts, for your report.

We continue to condemn human rights violations and the systematic repression of fundamental freedoms in Belarus.

We share your concern over the more than 1,200 political prisoners who are denied a fair trial, held in inhumane conditions, subject to ill-treatment, and denied adequate medical care. We acknowledge the pardoning of over 250 political prisoners since July 2024. However, arrests and political repression continue.

The reported increase of digital surveillance in Belarus, which has further restricted civil society and freedom of expression in both online and physical spaces, is troubling. As your report notes, the regime's repression extends beyond its own borders. The UK condemns reports of trials in absentia of Belarusian nationals.

On 27 January, the UK imposed new sanctions on six individuals and three entities, targeting leaders of institutions responsible for serious human rights violations and companies in the Belarusian defence sector supporting Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine.

We stand with the Belarusian people and their right to live in a genuinely free and democratic environment, without fear or oppression.

Experts, how can we best demonstrate solidarity with those facing trials in absentia?

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