UK Speaks at UN on Human Rights Defenders

UK Gov

UK Statement at the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders. Delivered at the 58th Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Thank you Mr President.

The United Kingdom welcomes the Special Rapporteur's report and her ongoing work on what is a high priority mandate for the UK. We thank her for drawing attention to the work of human rights defenders in isolated, remote and rural contexts.

We recognise the additional risks that these brave defenders face and deplore the exploitation of their geographical location to threaten and attack them.

Human rights defenders make crucial contributions to human rights, sustainable development and the rule of law. We call on all States to provide a safe, accessible and supportive environment for individuals and organisations carrying out this work.

At a practical level the UK continues to support human rights defenders and their work through our diplomatic network who regularly meet with them. We monitor cases and raise issues both directly with governments, as well as through multilateral organisations and bodies.

Special Rapporteur,

We would like to ask what further practical steps can States take to develop protection mechanisms for human rights defenders working in isolated, remote and rural contexts?

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