UK Statement on Bosnia Developments to OSCE, March 2025

UK Gov

The UK underlines concerns at the adoption of laws by the National Assembly of Republika Srpska in violation of the Dayton Agreements, and reaffirms unequivocal commitment to the territorial integrity of BiH.

Thank you, Madam Chair.

The United Kingdom remains concerned at the rise of dangerous ethno-nationalist politics which seek to undermine Bosnia and Herzegovina's statehood.

The people of BiH need their political leaders to focus on passing reforms, rather than exacerbating tensions and engaging in dangerous, secessionist moves.

We note and share the deep concerns of ODIHR and RFoM at the adoption by the National Assembly of Republika Srpska of laws in violation of the Dayton Agreements. These unconstitutional actions disrupt institutions such as the BiH Court from exercising their legal authority.

The UK continues to urge all actors to fully adhere to Dayton, and respect the state institutions of BiH. We reaffirm our unequivocal commitment to the territorial integrity of BiH and support for a single, sovereign state comprising two entities, in which all its peoples and citizens are equal.

Republika Srpska President Dodik's actions this week do not serve the people of BiH. They are an attempt by Dodik to undermine and distract from the decision of an independent court.

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