UK Urges Peace and Security for Israelis, Palestinians

Mr President,

We commend Israeli and Palestinian officials for their engagement in Aqaba on 26 February and Sharm El Sheikh on 19 March and thank Jordan and Egypt for hosting.

Commitments to desist from provocative unilateral actions and to pursue further actions in support of de-escalation are critical ahead of the convergence of Easter, Passover and Ramadan.

It is also critical that both parties abide by the commitments made and take forward promised confidence building measures, including to support the historic Status Quo governing Jerusalem's holy sites and all those who worship there.

Mr President, let me make four points.

The Palestinian Authority must resume security cooperation with Israel, fight against terror and incitement, and maintain security in Area A. We also condemn indiscriminate rocket fire from Gaza.

Whilst Israel has a legitimate right to self-defence, unilateral incursions that result in the deaths of innocent Palestinians only escalate tensions. Israeli security forces must operate in accordance with international law, show restraint in the use of live fire, and conduct thorough investigations into the deaths of Palestinian civilians.

Second, Israel must also cease the approval of settlements and legalisation of outposts and from evictions of Palestinians in occupied territory, particularly in East Jerusalem.

The UK opposes the repeal of the Disengagement Law by the Knesset. This repeal is a unilateral measure which further undermines prospects for a two-state solution, and damages any renewed efforts at de-escalation.

Third, settler violence has gone unchecked for too long. The UK condemns all forms of violence by settlers, including the fatal attacks perpetrated against innocent Palestinians in Huwara.

I urge Israeli security forces to provide appropriate protection to the Palestinian civilian population as they are obliged to under international law, investigate and bring to justice perpetrators of settler violence, and end the culture of permissiveness and impunity.

Finally President,

Inflammatory rhetoric and incitement of violence by certain Israeli political leaders only serves to drive settler violence. The UK condemned the Israeli Finance Minister's comments calling for the Palestinian village of Huwara to be "wiped-out" and his recent comments that deny the existence of the Palestinian people, their right to self-determination, and their history and culture. The United Kingdom extends its full support to Jordan and its sovereign territory.

All Israelis and Palestinians deserve peace and security, particularly during the holy festivals of Easter, Passover and Ramadan. This will require political will, good faith, strong co-operation, and meaningful actions by both Israelis and the Palestinians.

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