UK Vows Unwavering Ukraine Support at OSCE

UK Gov

The UK sets out plan agreed with leaders in London on 2 March to work with Ukraine and the United States on a strong, just and durable peace.

Thank you, Mr Chair. On Sunday 2 March, the UK hosted in London leaders from various European countries and Canada, the NATO Secretary General and the Presidents of the EU Commission and the EU Council to discuss our support for Ukraine.

Together we reaffirmed our determination to work for a permanent peace in Ukraine, in partnership with the United States.

The UK Prime Minister made clear that we must not repeat the mistakes of the past when weak deals allowed President Putin to invade again. The UK, France and our international partners will work closely with Ukraine on a plan to stop the fighting. And we will work directly with the United States on a strong, just and lasting peace that ensures Ukraine's sovereignty and security.

The plan agreed with leaders in London has four clear principles.

First, we must keep military aid flowing and keep increasing the economic pressure on Russia. To that end, we are doubling down on military aid. At the weekend the UK agreed a new £2.2 billion loan for Ukraine, backed by profits from frozen Russian assets.

Second, we agreed that any lasting peace must guarantee Ukraine's sovereignty and security - and that Ukraine must be at the table when negotiating their future.

Third, in the event of a peace deal, we would continue boosting Ukraine's own defensive capabilities to deter any future invasion.

And lastly, we will develop a "coalition of the willing" to defend a deal in Ukraine and to guarantee the peace. Those willing to contribute will intensify planning now.

Mr Chair, Ukraine has been clear that it wants to reach a durable peace as soon as possible. This can happen only if we continue to show strength and provide Ukraine with the support it needs to defend itself against continued Russian aggression. There will be no let-up in the UK's support, which we will continue for as long as it is necessary.

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