Ukrainian MP Condemns N. Korean Role in Russia's War

UN Watch

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UN Watch brought Ukrainian MP Lisa Yasko to the floor of the U.N. Human Rights Council to call out North Korean violations being committed related to Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine.

Full Transcript (English Translation):

My name is Lisa Yasko a member of the Parliament of Ukraine and I ask you to condemn as much as you can North Korean human rights violations that they are committing in cooperation with Russian aggression against Ukraine.

When, in 2024, they openly joined Russian forces to commit crimes against humanity on Ukrainian land and in the war against Ukraine we were sure that the world reactions would be very strong but in fact, it was not.

Because there is no proper reaction North Korea is continuing to help Russia immensely. Do you know that most of the ammunition that Russia is actually receiving it is receiving from North Korea? Do you know that the ballistic missiles no one is giving so many ballistic missiles to Russia as North Korea.

For North Koreans, this cooperation with Russia is actually very progressive and they really like the idea that they are gaining militaristic experience in committing more and more war crimes and they are gaining technologies that will allow them to have more wars to start more wars in the future.

Please raise your voice. Make a proper statement to condemn North Korea.

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