The UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, José Francisco Calí Tzay, will conduct an official visit to Canada from 1 to 10 March 2023.
The UN expert will examine a diverse range of issues affecting Indigenous Peoples, including the implementation of the UN Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, the right to self-determination and the rights to land, territories and resources. He will also focus on missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, residential schools and unmarked burial sites, indigenous education, language and culture, business and human rights, including the extraterritorial obligations of Canadian companies, free prior and informed consent.
The expert will visit five provinces at the invitation of the government - Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Alberta and British Colombia.
Cali Tzay will meet with Government officials, the judiciary, NHRI, Indigenous Peoples, civil society, and other relevant stakeholders. He will also visit communities to discuss their priorities and concerns.
The Special Rapporteur will hold a press conference to share his preliminary findings and recommendations at 12:00 p.m. on Friday 10 March in Lord Elgin Hotel, Ottawa. The press conference will be in English. Access will be strictly limited to journalists.
The UN expert will present his final report to the Human Rights Council in September 2023.