Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić today met with Dmytro Lubinets, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, for an exchange on current human rights challenges in the country. She welcomed Mr Lubinets' action in the difficult context of Russia's war against Ukraine and stressed the Council of Europe's commitment to support the Commissioner's Office, including in the framework of the 2023-2026 Action plan for Ukraine.
Secretary General Pejčinović Burić confirmed the availability of the Council of Europe to support efforts towards establishing a rehabilitation mechanism for the victims of torture and ill-treatment, as foreseen in the Ukrainian National Human Rights Strategy. Moreover, the Commissioner's Office remained an important dialogue partner of the Council of Europe as regards the assessment of the human rights situation in Crimea, she underlined.
The Secretary General and the Commissioner also discussed the role of his Office in contributing to the full implementation by Ukraine of the European Court's judgments.