Unacceptable Industrial Action Hurting Tasmanians

Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Government is deeply concerned that Tasmanians are being left without power due to industrial action being undertaken by the CEPU.

Across the State businesses, farmers, university students and communities, including vulnerable Tasmanians, have been impacted by power outages and ongoing delays to address them.

Unions have refused to respond to outages, forcing TasNetworks to bring in contractors to restore essential services.

Minister for Energy and Renewables, Nick Duigan, said we must support Tasmanians with essential services such as power no matter what.

"Action that leaves everyday Tasmanians without power is completely unacceptable," Minister Duigan said.

"While the unions continue to make unreasonable wage demands, our small businesses and their employees are having their livelihoods harmed.

"Our communities should not pay for industrial action. Tasmanians, people's livelihoods and our economy are not fair game. Tasmanians cannot be held to ransom.

"While lawful industrial action is permitted under Federal law, the impacts Tasmanians are experiencing raise serious questions about the Federal Labor Government's approach to industrial relations.

"The Tasmanian Government does not support the approach being taken by the CEPU. The Labor Opposition is instead backing in their union mates, whose actions are dearly costing everyday people and businesses.

"Tasmanians cannot afford Labor and their damaging unions who will stop at nothing to get their way, while Federal Labor continues to allow behaviour completely unacceptable to communities.

"I will be raising my concerns with the Federal Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Murray Watt, to highlight the impacts that the Federal Government's industrial relations laws are having on everyday Tasmanians.

"I have communicated my strong expectation to TasNetworks to continue its best efforts to ensure Tasmanians are protected from this union-led action.

"The CEPU must come to the negotiating table and stop taking action that unfairly targets and impacts Tasmanians.

"I encourage TasNetworks and CEPU to negotiate in good faith to achieve a positive and reasonable outcome that is in line with community expectations and not driving up electricity prices."

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