Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Dr. Colin Kahl's Call with Singaporean Permanent Secretary for Defence, Chan Heng Kee

U.S. Department of Defense

Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Jamal Brown provided the following readout:

Today, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Dr.

Colin Kahl spoke with his Singapore counterpart, Permanent Secretary for Defence Chan Heng Kee.

Permanent Secretary Chan congratulated Under Secretary Kahl on his confirmation, and the two leaders reaffirmed their mutual commitment to the U.S.-Singapore bilateral defense relationship.

Under Secretary Kahl and Permanent Secretary Chan Ng discussed COVID-19, and Under Secretary Kahl applauded the strong measures Singapore has taken with its response efforts during the pandemic.

Both leaders exchanged views on the regional security environment, and Under Secretary Kahl stressed the need for a rules-based approach to security challenges in the Indo-Pacific.

Under Secretary Kahl expressed appreciation for the regional access Singapore provides to U.S.

forces, and both leaders expressed interest in further collaboration on U.S.

force posture.

Finally, Under Secretary Kahl and Permanent Secretary Chan noted that they look forward to meeting in person.

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