Understanding Flood Infrastructure In Kempsey Shire

Kempsey Shire Council

With the Kempsey Shire on flood watch, it's important to understand how flood infrastructure is managed.

Council oversees several flood control structures, adjusting key ones before, during and after flood events as part of the Flood Risk Management Plan.

Kinchela Creek & Belmore River Flood Infrastructure

These areas have two types of flood control structures:

Flood Gates

These are also known as cross over gates and are located within the waterway itself. These gates are typically open to allow tidal movement and aerate waterways.

Before a flood, these gates are closed to prevent floodwaters from moving upstream but usually allow water to flow downstream into the Macleay River. They remain shut until water levels normalise.

Christmas Creek and Euroka Creek also have cross over gates.

Flood Relief Gates

These are normally open but closed when flooding is expected. These gates manage floodwater flow through levees to prevent overflow. Once flood levels exceed a minor flood, they stay closed to direct water into floodplains.

These measures help mitigate floods but do not prevent them. When levee capacity is exceeded, relief gates are opened.

Council actively communicates with residents near crossover and relief gates throughout a flood event to provide updates.

You can learn more about these types of flood infrastructure at Flood information & cameras

Big Hill Outlet

The Big Hill outlet operates differently from other flood infrastructure. Its gates open due to upstream water pressure, requiring sufficient lagoon water for proper function.

Additionally, sand must be removed to form a channel directing water to the ocean, minimising erosion and guiding flow effectively.

During wet weather, Council staff monitor water levels, pressure and tides to determine when to prepare for opening the outlet.

Ryans Cut Outlet

Like Big Hill, Ryans Cut also relies on upstream water pressure. After floodwaters drain from Belmore River into Belmore Swamp, Ryans Cut is used to release remaining floodwaters into the ocean.

These systems play a crucial role in managing flood events across the Kempsey Shire.

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