The Australian Services Union hopes this will be the last Christmas that disability support workers are shortchanged $200, as the Fair Work Commission hears closing arguments in a wage theft case today and tomorrow. The ASU and other unions are fighting to stop NDIS providers from misclassifying disability support workers as lower-paid home care staff, while claiming the full NDIS price and pocketing the difference. Some workers are losing $9 per hour on a normal shift, and $20 per hour on public holidays, including Christmas Day. ASU NSW & ACT Secretary Angus McFarland said the Fair Work Commission can close the loophole by ruling to amend the SCHADS award so that all workers providing NDIS-funded services are properly classified. "Dodgy providers are the grinches stealing Christmas from disability support workers by underpaying them - and this outrageous practice extends to regular work days too," Mr McFarland said. "We estimate that up to one in ten providers are ripping off disability support workers by misclassifying them at a lower award rate. These providers aren't just ripping off workers, they're also cheating people with a disability and taxpayers by misusing government funds that are meant to pay workers properly. "It's unsustainable for unions to continue playing 'whack-a-mole' on NDIS providers who rip off workers. In a sector dominated by casual roles, workers are either too afraid to speak out for fear of losing their jobs, or move on to another employer, leaving a vacancy for someone else to cop the same wage theft. "The disability support sector faces one of the highest attrition rates in the country, and wage theft significantly undermines efforts to attract and retain skilled workers. A strong and stable workforce is essential for people with disabilities who deserve consistent, high-quality care and support. "We need a blanket end to wage theft in the NDIS - the Fair Work Commission can do this by ruling to fix the award to finally close the classification loophole that providers brazenly exploit."
Unions Battle Xmas Pay Cut for NDIS Workers
Australian Services Union
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